Talk: "How to enjoy HYC events" by Brian Masters
Join us for a talk aimed at new or prospective members on what HYC events are, how to book yourself onto them, how the booking process works and how to get the best out of your Club membership. The talk will give you an idea of how the Club works, it will address both sailing yachts and motor boats, and it will allow you to ask any questions that you may have. It takes place the evening before the New Members & New Berth-holders 1 day rally on Saturday 3rd May.
Note new venue: The talk will take place in the conference room at the Haslar Marina office. Please use the entrance door at the back of the office building, on the path that leads down to the gate. Ask in the marina office if you need help.
The itinerary for the evening is:
18:00 The Hornet bar opens for drinks and meals at member's own cost
19:30 to 20:30 Talk in The Fabrosa Room
20:30 Q & As
18:00 - 23:00 Bar open throughout evening
Last updated 4:28pm on 18 February 2025