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Home / Events / Talk: Weather prediction methods
Home / Events / Talk: Weather prediction methods

Talk: Weather prediction methods

7th February, 18:00 - 23:00

Understanding weather: a quick guide for sailors - Practical Boat Owner

Join us for a talk on the weather by Brian Masters and Jonathan Clare. The talk will take place in The Fabrosa Room at The Hornet Services Sailing Club.

Brian will talk about what is 'good weather' i.e. what is suitable for sailing and motor-boating considering wind, tide, passage route, tidal gates etc. He will discuss how he plans passages and the tools he uses.  He will (time permitting) try to cover the Club's approach on when we cancel rallies as an example of the role the weather plays in these decisions.

Jonathan will talk about what weather is e.g. pressure, fronts, weather effects etc. and also what he uses to determine the weather forecast.

Whether they can do all that in one hour will be the challenge!

The itinerary for the evening is:

      18:00                 The Hornet bar opens for drinks and meals at member's own cost

      19:30 to 20:30    Talk in the Fabrosa Room

      20:30                 Q & As

      18:00 - 23:00      Bar open throughout evening

You will need to book your place as the names of those attending will be given to the MoD Security Guards at The Hornet. Please bring a form of photo ID to show to the guards such as a driving license.

Last updated 5:00pm on 18 February 2025

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