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Home / Events / Beaulieu mid-week Rally to Gins Farm 2024
Home / Events / Beaulieu mid-week Rally to Gins Farm 2024

Beaulieu mid-week Rally to Gins Farm 2024

11th - 13 September


Beaulieu Rally at Gins Farm

Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th September

This is our sixth HYC rally to Gins Farm, now the headquarters of the Royal Southampton Yacht Club. For our evening meals on both nights we have booked the clubhouse adjacent to the berths. You can read more about Gins Farm and the RSYC at

The Beaulieu River has been owned by Lord Montagu since 1926. In this respect it is unique, for the Montagu Estate owns everything, including the river bed, the foreshore, and much of the surrounding countryside. In most other rivers in the British Isles the river bed and foreshore to the High Water mark are normally Crown Property. In the case of Beaulieu this was all given away in the 13th century by King John to the monks who originally founded Beaulieu Abbey.

Beaulieu River, and Gins Farm in particular, is one of the most peaceful and tranquil places to stay in the Solent. Ideal for paddling about locally or up the river to Beaulieu on a kayak or dinghy, or just sitting on board your boat, watching the wading birds and the occasional seal - some of which can be very inquisitive! Waking up to the serene and calm view is a very special pleasure.

The pontoon at Gins Farm is quite short meaning that most of us will need to raft-up. As this rally has proved to be very popular we expect that we will need to be 3 deep.

Following on straight after this md-week rally is the weekend rally to The Folly on the Medina (14th & 15th Sept) and if you're available you could do both meaning an extended trip on your boat......


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Last updated 7:55am on 27 July 2024

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