End of Season Rally Oct. 5-6 Cowes and E Cowes.
Published 14:43 on 8 Oct 2024
In some form of cronkylogical order;
The season's finale began, as usual with the hard work done by Jem Nicholls, who, sadly was unable to attend himself. But his efforts were universally appreciated.
Then came the much used What's App group dedicated to those involved. Excellent idea, allowing direct coms between rally goers. Promoting closer friendships. (which is what we all strive for within our club). And not least giving instant feedback on the event.
Weather reports, arrivals and changing plans. Some took advantage of the sunshine and tied up as early as Thursday and Friday, which led to impromptu pontoon parties. Again, endorsing the spirit of our club.

Various valid reasons prevented individuals from attending, all disappointing but understandable. Valiant efforts made by some to overcome what thwarted their attendance. Myself, took the ferry from Portsmouth to Ryde (missing the pontoon party in E Cowes). Sadly no photos were shared of this. The reason being that they were too busy drinking etc Ed and Bernie collected Gay on their way to get the ferry from Southampton to E. Cowes. (It's fair to mention that Bernie did the driving to the ferry and Ed was stitched up with the drive home meaning his wine intake was curtailed).
So to The Pontoon Party. Into the breach stepped Hilary. Marvellously standing in to host on Misty Moon berth A2. Smiles, chats, catch ups and wine was shared and enjoyed. Which all then moved to the water taxis. At this point, I am not sure if the loading of the taxis led to the seating positions in the ISC dining room. Unlike the Xmas party there was no formal seating plan. There were however place name cards, with our menu choices on the reverse. A Well done to Brian for this innovative bit of invention. Although it did lead to myself being referred to as 'Bubble and Squeak' for part of the evening. A warm mention about Michael, who graciously laughed at my fake reporter's interview, trying to get a scoop on 'balcony watching' at E Cowes Marina. (you really had to be there to know more).

The meal. Well prepared and excellently served. The WhatsApp comments were all positive about the food. But if we are honest, the arrival of one of the starters convinced most of us that there was a potential 'faux pas' in the offing. It so looked like pudding and custard. But the poached egg covered with a yellow sauce was in fact the Bubble and Squeak. And very tasty it was.

Following the meal there was much table hopping, and I think the photos reflect the mood with the amounts of smiles and laughter depicted.
In the ISC we shared the dining room with two other clubs from Chichester and Warsash. The casual observer may have noticed that our tables far exceeded the others in laughter.
The departure from the ISC with warm farewells. Some to water taxis, others to the Red Funnel and some on Shank's pony.
I saw no evidence of over indulgence during the evening. However, that did not stop the weather on Sunday morning from looking like a hangover. Those who left early seemed to suffer the worst of it. Later departees faired better. The consensus was that most would motor home.

All in all, a great event. Testimony via WhatsApp gave great appreciation to Brian and Hilary (well deserved) and sympathy for Jem along with thanks. Overall, the number of comments stating this was 'the best End of Season Rally ever', probably serves as a good place for me to stop waxing lyrical and end.

If you read this far, hopefully your appetite has been whetted for further events.
Lots more pictures can be found in the gallery here.
Arvid Wilson
- End of Season Rally to East Cowes Marina 2024 (5 - 6 October 2024)
Last updated 11:53 on 24 October 2024