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HYC Christmas Party 2024

Published 15:14 on 24 Dec 2024

Before I can get into the festivities, which began with the bar opening at 1800hrs, a thought about all the pre-evening preparations which had to be sorted first.

So, a cheer to Jem, Brian et al. whose hard work made the evening seem smooth and seamless.

The members arrived with smiles and expectation on their faces. (Then following the rush to get a good coat peg) .The ladies all looking glamorous, the gentlemen like stand ins for James Bond. (perhaps next year we should have a camera on a tripod to capture the moment they took their welcome drinks in the foyer).

Seating plans were checked, then greetings were shared with enthusiasm in the dining room. Some tables were quicker to settle than others. E.g. table no.1 was quickest. (Picture six happy faces, napkins tucked into collars, cutlery at the ready and drinks in hands. I cannot remember if they were wearing their party hats).

Each table set themselves up with wine from the bar. Followed by the excellent waiting staff bringing to the tables our starters with a smile.

Before the main course, I managed a quick tour of the seven tables. Asking for their thoughts on the starters. The answers ranged from good, tasty, very satisfactory. I even got a 'crème de la crème' from table 6.

Sadly, I got a little confused at table 5. One response was 'very satisfied' and after a short pause, 'Small Portion'. I did point out that she was not the first female to tell me that, and left that table trying to hold back tears.

Katy Kelly (our excellent entertainer) played Christmas music during dinner. Whilst playing her harp. Quiet enough not to make conversations difficult, but sweet enough to enjoy.

The main course arrived and we all tucked in. There was a positive buzz in the room. With bursts of laughter from many tables. I was delighted to meet some new faces. Although I did not canvas opinions about the mains, I did notice the plates before they were collected. There did seem to be a lot of the 'steak' left on the plates. (to be honest what was left was fat/gristle). Regrets if you experienced this, it will most likely filter back to the kitchen.

Desserts were eaten, figures were ruined, with promises to diet in the new year. Meantime burning off calories by tripping the light fantastic on the dance floor. ( I will admit to mostly tripping.) As I left the dance floor I overheard a suggestion for a club activity next November. An evening of dance lessons. Once again, I was holding back the tears.

Poppers were popped, balloons were ballooned, jokes were shared followed by a kind of haphazard rotation to allow greetings from other tables.

New names were learned and experiences shared. (a small word of warning about names. If a woman tells you her name is Sue. Whatever you do, do not call her Susan) Who may or may not have been on table 7. Tears really fell then.

Many thanks to all who came, for making it such a fun and enjoyable evening.

For those who could not attend, you sadly missed a good night out.

I, for one, took most of my photos when the wine bottles were mostly full.

Hoping you got to read my views on the night before Xmas. And have a Merry one. If not Happy New Year.

LOTS more photos can be found in the gallery here.  You will need to select one of them and scroll forward to see them at their best!

See you all soon.

Arvid Wilson         


Last updated 16:26 on 24 December 2024

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