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Home / News / St Vaast Rally - Jubilee Weekend 2nd - 4th July 2012
Home / News / St Vaast Rally - Jubilee Weekend 2nd - 4th July 2012

St Vaast Rally - Jubilee Weekend 2nd - 4th July 2012

Published 01:00 on 10 Jul 2012

With 12 boats registered to attend, this looked like being our best cross-channel rally so far. However, the weather gods were to beat us yet again with the start of what became the worst early summer I can remember. With strong winds, rough seas AND poor visibility forecast, several of the boats decided to take advantage of the favourable weather the day before the official rally start. Thus, four of the motor boats set off and arrived at St Vaast on the tide after a smooth crossing with moderate visibility. They were Yasmine, Lions Den, Icarus and Tallulah.

Sadly the weather really did close in and all of the other boats decided against making the trip EXCEPT the intrepid "Sparking Spirit who had anchored off Bembridge overnight and arrived in St Vaast on the evening tide.

We had a good time over the weekend although the weather was dreadful! Perhaps it was just the weather but St Vaast seemed to have taken a downturn with many of the restaurants closed. Still, Monsieur Gosselin was still open and thriving (and open on Sunday morning!).

The 4 motor boats had onward plans to get round to Guernsey. This wasn't to be and a "sprited" trip to Chergbourg saw us weather bound there for a week. There were many other UK boats stranded, including another yacht club who had arranged many excursions. We were invited to join them and good times were had by all.

Sparkling Spirit did make the trip back and, a week later, Lions Den and Yasmine had a VERY lumpy return trip via Poole. On the same day Tallulah and Icarus left Cherbourg and arrived safely in St Peter Port, although it was not a pleasant passage ....


Last updated 11:53 on 24 October 2024

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