Commodores Reception 17 June 2017 at Haslar Marina
Published 01:00 on 21 Jun 2017
A lovely warm and balmy evening set the stage for our annual reception on the lawn outside the Haslar Marina office and the event was enjoyed by about 60 of our members and a few prospective members.
It was good to see so many of you and particularly a number of our members who had only joined in recent months. Your committee members tried to speak to as many of you as we could on the night and I hope the evening gave you an opportunity to meet more of your fellows and encourage you to join us on our rallies; a list of which can be found on our web site.
Our thanks go to Dean & Reddyhoff for sponsoring the food, a most generous contribution and greatly appreciated. Ben and the team worked hard on our behalf organising the marquee, tables and chairs, lights, decorations the list goes on. Particular thanks to Ryan (Deano) for all his efforts and imaginative ideas; all accomplished with his usual military precision. Martin (Gossy) generously gave of his time to handle the gate and entry process a lonely job but at least you do get to meet everyone!
Sarah from Hardy's and her team cooked up a delicious barbecue and served by her friendly and very helpful crew. What a difference a smiling face makes when you are handed your grub! A call to 'seconds' was enjoyed by many of us, including yours truly.
I hope you managed to get a chance to chat to the volunteer RNLI team in their tent just outside the marquee and our thanks go to them for their attendance and supporting our event. The RNLI is a phenomenal organisation and I, for one, am extremely grateful to know they are there every time I set out on the water.
Last but by no means least, I should like to thank your committee both personally and on your behalf. They all gave generously of their time both on the evening and in the preparation for the reception. The committee was so ably supported by our hard-working volunteers: Dawne, Miles and Debbie and Pete Baker and our thanks to them. They all laboured hard managing the gate, the bar, the glasses, the snacks, the sound system et al. And then of course the big clear up at the end.
Thanks for attending and we hope you enjoyed your evening.
David Whitehead
- Commodore's Reception 2017 (17 June 2017, 19:00 - 22:30)
Last updated 13:22 on 25 October 2023