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Home / News / HYC Easter 2014 Trip to Weymouth
Home / News / HYC Easter 2014 Trip to Weymouth

HYC Easter 2014 Trip to Weymouth

Published 01:00 on 25 Apr 2014

Another successful trip to Weymouth, with light winds for the Friday passage saw all the boats moored up by early evening.

It was great to meet friends old and new on the Pontoon party, before a lively dinner at Prezzo Italian restaurant.

Saturday saw both Tim and Stuart climb their masts for maintenance, with help from other members with the winching, the rest of the day being spent exploring this very pretty port.

Taxis arrived promptly at 6.30 to whisk us away to Portland Marina and the newly opened Harbour Lights restaurant.

On Sunday it rained pretty much all day, but the Cineworld complex opposite the marina could be reached without too much of a soaking !

Then Monday, the sailing yachts departed early to catch the tide at both St Albans head and the Needles, again with light winds and smooth seas. The motor boats left later with a detour to Portland where Tallulah was being left prior to crossing the channel a few weeks later, Brian and Dawne hitching a lift back on other boats.

Boat Name Skipper Crew Sail/Motor

IcarusPeter Day Lyn Day Motor

TallulahBrian Dunton Dawne Dunton Motor

Yasmine Chris Porter Pat Porter Motor

Luvitt Two Miles Thomas Debbie Murphy Motor

Chelsea Blues Rob Ardley Lyn Ardley, Faisal, Rick Motor

Minimum Paul Taylor Carol Taylor Sail

Trollinger Stewart Velzian Helen Velzian Sail

Sparkling SpiritTim WaiteJenni Waite Sail

Athena Roland Pullinger Carole & Gordon Bentley, Reg Gigg Sail


Last updated 11:53 on 24 October 2024

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